Thursday, September 12, 2013


Ok, this is basically a small linguistic rant.

There is this thing I see happening a lot these days where people are saying that Misandry isn't a thing.
I know where this is coming from, it's the same reason we say that "reverse racism" or "reverse sexism" are not real things.
Now in the case of racism and sexism, both of these words have specific meanings that preclude to possibility of a reverse form. 
Both these isms, by their very definition, refer to an institutionalized marginalization and oppression of one group by another socially privileged group.  Racism and sexism can only go one direction.
But Misandry, like it's counterpart Misogyny does not infer any power structure dynamic.
Certainly, a sexist patriarchal society is a breading ground for misogyny and examples of it are far more pervasive than it's male focused counterpart, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for women (of men too) to hate men!
Misandry is a useful word that is being stripped of meaning by some vocal groups within feminism who really do appear to believe that men are fundamentally the enemy.  Their views are absolutely misandrous and damaging to productive conversation about the problems both men and women face as a result of living in a patriarchal society.
It troubles me when I see people who I respect starting to use the language of people who I frankly consider to be hate groups in this unthinking way.
So please people.

Misogyny - A hatred of women and things feminine (no implied power dynamic)
Misandry - A hatred of Men and things masculine (no implied power dynamic)
Misanthropy - A hatred of humans and human culture (no implied power dynamic)

Sexism - Oppression of one gender group by another more privileged gender group (power dynamic is implicit, and essential to the words meaning).

And yes I'm aware that some MRAs are using Misandry to mean "reverse sexism", and shame on them too, but that doesn't need to linguistically handicap ourselves for the benefit of idiots.


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